Max Domagk

Max Domagk

Research Associate

TUD Dresden University of Technology

I work as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Electrical Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering, TUD Dresden University of Technology, in the Power Quality research group of Prof. Jan Meyer.

Electrical Engineering
Data Science


My research is broadly focused on Electrical Power Systems, with a specific emphasis on Power Quality aspects, such as voltage and current distortion. Recent changes, such as the increase in renewable energy sources and the large-scale introduction of electric vehicles, have significantly impacted Power Quality. As a result, network operators are increasingly installing extensive measurement systems to closely monitor their networks, leading to vast amounts of data. In my research, I employ data analysis and data mining methods to efficiently analyze this data and extract valuable insights. By doing so, I aim to contribute to identifying Power Quality issues, the optimization of system performance, and the overall enhancement of the reliability of Electrical Power Systems.

Current research project:

Multivariate Methods
Project on new methods for multivariate analysis of Power Quality measurements
Multivariate Methods


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(2024). Use Cases for Power Quality Data Analysis: Case Study for the Estonian Transmission System. 2024 21st International Conference on Harmonics & Quality of Power (ICHQP).

(2024). Automatic Identification of Harmonic Emission Patterns in Electricity Networks based on Clustering and Principal Component Analysis. 2024 21st International Conference on Harmonics & Quality of Power (ICHQP).

(2024). Identification of Equivalent Impedance Models of Downstream Networks for Harmonic Studies in Extra High Voltage Systems. 2024 21st International Conference on Harmonics & Quality of Power (ICHQP).

(2024). Sensitivity Analysis of Distribution System Harmonic Impedance and Impact on Transmission System. 2024 21st International Conference on Harmonics & Quality of Power (ICHQP).

(2024). Flexible Network Model to Study the Impact of Future Changes in Transmission Systems on Harmonic Levels and Impedance. CIGRE Session 2024.



  • max [dot] domagk [at] tu-dresden [dot] de
  • +49 351 463-35223
  • Mommsenstr. 12, 01096 Dresden, Germany
  • Enter Toepler-Bau to Office 101